Bachelor of Science (B.Sc.) Geodäsie und Geoinformatik

The study of Geodesy and Geoinformatics at the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT) is divided into the German-language Bachelor's program and the consecutive Master's program built upon it. The start of the Bachelor's program, with a standard period of study of 6 semesters and the awarding of 180 credit points (CP), is each winter semester.

The teaching content with a fixed canon of subjects is structured into individual modules over a maximum of 2 semesters. The study program is characterized by a high practical component, which results from lecture-accompanying internships and three multi-week main surveying exercises as well as a one-week GNSS internship (Global Navigation Satellite System).

In the Bachelor's program, the scientific basics and the methodological competence of the specialist science Geodesy and Geoinformatics are taught. The aim of the study program is to train the ability to apply the acquired qualifications in a job-related manner and to successfully complete a consecutive Master's program.

After successful completion of the studies, the academic degree "Bachelor of Science (B.Sc.)" is awarded, which represents a first university degree with an independent job-qualifying profile.

Module handbook.

More information.