Master of Science (M.Sc.) Geodäsie und Geoinformatik

In the Master’s program in Geodesy and Geoinformatics at the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT), the scientific qualifications acquired in the Bachelor’s program are further deepened and individually supplemented. The program consists of a balanced mix of lectures, exercises, and seminars. In the compulsory advanced courses, the students are brought to a common level of performance. The profile areas integrated into the study plan allow both a specialization according to the inclination of the students and a certain flexibility to be able to react appropriately to the changing requirements of the job market. The studies are completed with a master’s thesis (processing time: 6 months) on a research-oriented topic. The academic degree “Master of Science (M.Sc.)” in “Geodesy and Geoinformatics” is awarded.

By choosing appropriate modules in the advanced, profile, and supplementary area, the master’s program can be completed entirely by attending English-language courses.

Module handbook.

More Information.